Sunday 23 September 2012

What is SERP?

What is SERP?

Seo Company India
When you type any query on search engine, some results appear on a page matching to your query. This page is called search engine result page (SERP). This page contains top results which matches your query. The traffic on any site from search engine, depends on the rank of its link on result page for that query
A search engine results Page (SERP), is the listing of web pages returned by a search engine in response to a keyword query. The results normally include a list of web pages with titles, a link to the page, and a short description showing where the Keywords have matched content within the page. A SERP may refer to a single page of links returned, or to the set of all links returned for a search query. The goal of any SEO campaign is to increase your rankings on a given SERP for a desired keyword phrase. A SERP typically contains three types of listings: results automatically generated by a search engine spider, results added by a human moderator, and paid listings that are often advertisements for a particular product or service.